New FB page
Hello the old FB page is inactive. The new one can be found here. Like and subscribe to it to be notified of news and events. the 1041 webmaster
Hello the old FB page is inactive. The new one can be found here. Like and subscribe to it to be notified of news and events. the 1041 webmaster
The local is making efforts to better serve you and is currently working on this website. Check with us to be notified of CUPE announcements and events. Please be patient as I work through the bugs. Also will be releasing new social media feeds in the near future. The existing ones are dormant and I [...]
Accident and occupational disease investigations are done to determine the causes of physical injuries and occupational diseases. They are also undertaken to satisfy the legal requirements of health and safety legislation. But for CUPE members, there is more to investigations than this. Investigations should also be used to uncover workplace problems, eliminate workplace hazards and strengthen [...]
Strike and lockout updates across Ontario – Your support needed. Good jobs are under attack all across the province. CUPE Ontario stands proudly behind our courageous members who have gone on strike to fight to keep good jobs in their community. These members need all our support to win. Join them on their lines. Bring [...]
Hospital funding in Ontario is much lower than hospital funding in the rest of Canada — $4.8 billion lower. The result is much less care for hospital patients. A report to be released in Hamilton on Friday (August 5, 2016 at 10:30 a.m., at the Royal Canadian Legion, 4 Solidarnosc Place) will indicate how many [...]
On December 11th CUPE 1041 City of Hamilton Supervisors celebrated their second annual holiday event. It was a pleasure to see so many new and old faces show up and take part. Your generous donations amounted to just over 80lbs of food and supplies. The donation was dropped off on December 20th to St Matthews [...]
Appeal It! Mental health issues are inadequately addressed in many workplaces, and mental health claims are often denied by the WSIB. CUPE Ontario has created this page to provide information and resources about preventing psychological injury, and about the process for filing and appealing workplace mental health claims. The first step is to assess workplace [...]