Hope everyone is safe and well during these trying times. Although time times are quite unnormal to say the least, we have been quite busy in the background. Committees are meeting to resolve outstanding issues with the employer and progress has been made. Grievances have been filed and resolved – some at Arb. Many members have reached out for assistance for many things. It is important to reach out to us if needed. We are here to help with scheduling issues, OT issues, redeployment issues, H&S issues and much more. We will get though this together. We are in hopes that by fall we can return to normal operating of the local and we also have some vacancies that we will be looking to fill in the near future. If you are a member and have not recieved any emails from the President on your work email please contact us and we will have you added to the distribution list. You can also contact us through this website.
In solidarity
Tony Johnson PW rep